Zachary Andrew’s was born and raised in Lubbock TX. Zachary has lived with his father, mother, and his 3 younger brothers. Andrew’s family has not always been a middle-class family. Zach says we struggled a lot but his family never gave up and push themselves to be better. As Andrews enters his 4th-grade year he joins Community in School. One of many programs in Lubbock, they help with food, clothes, and money and help with community services threw out the city. Andrews is very thankful for that program which later leads him to the YAC program. Entering his freshman year in high school, Andrews became the Yac rep for Lubbock TX. Later that summer he went to the 2019 youth summit. Where 1 month later he was awarded best Youth in Texas, Andrews is a “natural born leader” is what his peers say. Zachary is always working within his community doing anything to change the view of the east side of Lubbock. Otherwise, known as “The Poorer Side” Andrews has been working on changing the view as a 17-year-old teenager. Andrews stop at nothing to change the view. Andrews is also in JROTC, and Student Council. Andrew says he has not always been a leader it took him some time before he came out of his shell. Andrews says he still gets nervous, but he wants to make a difference Zachary says Youth are the key to change the world. We see the world differently from everyone else, we see the world as a canvas where we can paint, change, to make beauty. After High School Andrews plans to get into Politics and become the President of the United States. He can’t wait to change the World!